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  Intro - about me 💥👀 Hi there! I am Serena, in class DCHE2A04🌈!  I have 2 younger sisters and it sucks to be the oldest because you get all the blame even when it ain't your fault :/ I enjoy playing chess♜ and solving crossword puzzles 🧩! Fun Fact - i used to ice skate ⛸❄ competitively in my childhood years but then PSLE required 100% of my attention so i was forced to stop and from there on i never had the chance to return as life became more intense whoop :( However, i'm currently practicing taekwondo externally in a bid to lead a healthy lifestyle and to learn self-defence because as all our lecturers in DCHE emphasise "Safety is priority" :D Im a sucker for kpop and i stan Blackpink💗❤, Taemin, SuperM and Taeyon!! I love watching kdramas💅 and horror movies👻, my favourite festive occasion being Halloween 😈 This is yet another semester so there'd be new modules like CPDD which is what this blog is for. Dr Noel Kristian is my Lecturer This module is exact

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